Highlights From The Arrow/Flash Crossover Premiere

Last night a special screening was held for the Arrow/Flash crossover episodes, where not only were the episodes premiered, but the cast and producers for both series were present, and they revealed some exciting new details not only for the crossover, but for future episodes of “Arrow” as well! The Hollywood Reporter has the full report on last night’s event that includes all the new details, which for all the new  info on “Arrow,” you can check out in the highlights below. But they do contain some spoilers.

Spoilers Below:

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The Flash hour will deliver a very big moment for Oliver’s storyline.

From Andrew Kreisberg- “There’s a really big character, emotional moment for Oliver on The Flash side; [something] that we set up last season and paid off in Flash, and will pay off down the road on Arrow.

From Marc Guggenheim- “I would say, it’s not picked up in the Arrow episode [of the crossover]. “It’s like the bomb underneath the table, and I think part of the fun is waiting to see when Oliver is going to learn what the audience learns on Flash. “

Team Flash could prove vital to helping Team Arrow with one of their biggest mysteries.

From “Flash” actress Danielle Panabaker- “Felicity comes to Caitlin for help with the Canary murder.”

From Marc Guggenheim- “There is a major step forward in the Canary mystery.” “We have the folks at S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City, and they’re pretty scientific. They’ve got a lot of resources at their disposal, and it would be kind of a shame to not have Team Arrow lean on them a little bit to help solve this mystery.”

 Laurel is mostly MIA in the crossover … but for a good reason.

From Andrew Kreisberg- “Laurel appears in the Arrow episode,” Kreisberg said. “She’s not as present in these episodes, but that is because we’ve been building up to her appearance as the Black Canary. We sort of said that Sara was the Canary, but Laurel is the Black Canary. Episodes 10, 11 and 12 are a three-part trilogy that are about her. And episode 13 I think I can spoil, is called ‘Canaries.’ For fans of Laurel and for fans of Katie Cassidy, they’re going to get more than their fill after the winter break.”

Diggle’s reaction to Metahumans & Lyla being in danger.

From  The Hollywood Reporter– “Diggle has a bit of a lighter turn in The Flash portion of the crossover — nearly all the castmembers present Saturday pointed to David Ramsey’s portrayal of Diggle’s bafflement at the metahuman powers being one of the crossover’s highlights — but things get serious when it’s Arrow‘s hour: his ex-wife/current love, Lyla, is targeted by a former ARGUS agent out for revenge.”

From David Ramsey- “Diggle has always been the guy to protect the people he loves, in a human playing field. So he doesn’t know how to respond [now]. The Flash changes the playing field. We’re going to see Diggle embrace The Flash’s powers, because he’s going to come to need them.”

From Emily Bett Rickards-“It was crazy, there’s been so much violence … anybody can die. [With life being short] it’s not worth it, to be in the clouds, to be above what you’re feeling.”


I really can’t wait to see this crossover event, as it just keeps sounding better and better the more I hear about it, and the episodes got a real positive reaction after the screening. For the full report on the screening last night, including more details revealed about “The Flash” and it’s characters, head on over to the The Hollywood Reporter.


One response to “Highlights From The Arrow/Flash Crossover Premiere”

  1. Cece Avatar

    While I am looking forward to Laurel as Black Canary, 3 episode seems a lot to focus on her as I’m not a huge fan of her. Let’s face it, I watch for Green Arrow and his team. We’ll see.

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