Quiver: Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast! Join Amanda and Mike each week as they discuss the latest episodes of The CW show, Arrow! This week, they introduce themselves to you, the listeners, and give their thoughts on the pilot. All that and more on the first Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast!





7 responses to “Quiver: Episode 1”

  1. adnamA Avatar

    I think the reason for the flint is that he has the kindles set up all around the island, and so he would head to the closest one, and fire away – that’s how I figured it anyway. (Still agree with you that, really, where did all this magically come from).

    And who didn’t call the ending of the first season? Come on guys, they could have made that a little less obvious.

    That being said, I am super stoked about this new show and am looking forward to following it through the season.


  2. adnamA Avatar

    **meant: who didn’t call the ending of the first episode, i for one figured his mom was in on it right away (and I do not know anything about the comic).

  3. Sean Avatar

    Great first episode…can’t wait to hear the next one! Thanks for the (anonymous) shout out at the end of the podcast. I am “that guy” who asked when the show would be available in iTunes a couple days after you went live with http://quiverpodcast.com/. Any chance you may bring Steve on as a guest for one of the episodes???

    1. Michael Cohen Avatar
      Michael Cohen

      I would love to have Steve on the show, but that’s entirely up to him.

  4. Amber Avatar

    I was so excited to find you guys! I liked the first ep of Arrow even more than I thought I would and as soon as I finished it, I went searching for a podcast. I only found 2 and the first one I tried didn’t hold my interest but you guys hooked me right away with your “quiver=sexual inuendo cause it’s a CW show comment.” I love your humor and the way you play off each other. I have never seen Smallville but I feel like you two are likely to convince me to give it a try. I also don’t know anything about Green Arrow’s backstory. I was a little confused about all the Dinah and Black Canary references but I’m sure that will make more sense as the show goes on. I like the idea of you recapping and commenting while you watch the actual episode. I listen to a lot of TV show podcasts and you are the only ones doing it that way. One last thing: I believe there could be a drinking game where everyone takes a drink everytime Amanda says ‘trope.’ JK Amanda, I think you’re both great and I’m looking forward to the next episode.

  5. Dan Avatar

    you guys are now my running buddies!!! Burning calories and listening to you guys is fun! Just thought I’d let yous know I liked the show xP

  6. Kieren Avatar

    Bad Start to the commentary, you didn’t say “ok press start………………. now” just went ahead and pressed play with out telling us.

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