Quiver Season 3: Episode 10

Amanda and Mike are back with an all-new episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast to recap the CW Arrow fall finale, “Left Behind” Can Team Arrow continue without Oliver? Just who is Danny Brickwell? How the heck could Oliver survive being stabbed through the abdomen and falling at least 30 stories!?! All these questions and more will be answered on this week’s all-new Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast!


One response to “Quiver Season 3: Episode 10”

  1. […] Quiver Podcast also dug into the characters development within the episodes. Well, I feel like they might have focused a bit more on Felicity and Diggle, especially Felicity. I can only pray they don’t read the TV Fanatic’s review. Though maybe could agree on the fact that Felicity development is needed. She started out merely the geeky girl who could get things done than a hacker and now co-captain of the crew. If she had kept her original light and happy outlook through out everything than people would have gotten pissed off with her. Still she was the most positive person till this episode when Oliver didn’t make it through. What followed was a very emotional charge Felicity who lashed out with emotions first grieving over Oliver, reopening the wound of Sara and ultimately lets her emotions dictate her actions. Which was a conflict that was well noted by the boys of the Arrow Squad. Who have coined the term Merlyn the Manipulator, a name I will be using from now on as well. While Felicity’s wrestling with her emotions and struggling to come to terms with the lost of Oliver was a key discussion. Their first topic was actually the timey-wimeiness of the episode and the previous one. Which is something I was wondering myself, but just as it was advise in the podcast I’m going to let it go. Eventually. Yet while Green Justice certainly hit many of the same issues that those above did. It should be noted that they seemed just as huge up over the timing of the episode. Between the flashbacks to 5 years ago, flashbacks to a few days ago, and the present day events is was rather confusing. Their discussion might not clear up everything, but the idea of where things will play in are interesting to listen. […]

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