Quiver Season 4: Episode 3

Mike and special guest, Kurtis Findlay, are back with an all-new episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast to recap the CW Arrow episode, “Restoration!” Can Oliver and Diggle work out their differences? Will Thea ever be able to control her blood lust? Is bringing Sara back from the dead even possible? OF COURSE IT IS! YAY, SARA IS BACK!!! All these questions and more will be answered on this week’s all-new Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast!



One response to “Quiver Season 4: Episode 3”

  1. canarycry Avatar

    It’s not true that nobody liked Laurel before last season, I always did and I never understood the fandom’s dislike for her. As for this episode, I would have liked to see more scenes with her in Nanda Parbat comtemplating her decision to bring Sara back, maybe talking to Thea about it.
    I know Sara has to come back and I’m glad she did but I don’t like how it’s making Laurel look bad. It wasn’t necessary to write it that way, especially since Oliver was portayed as a loving brother when he took Thea to the Lazarus Pit.

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