Tag: Canary Cry

  • Actress Madison McLaughlin To Play Artemis In Season 5!

    Actress Madison McLaughlin To Play Artemis In Season 5!

    Variety is reporting that another hero is joining the new cast of characters for “Arrow” season five, and this time it’s a fan favorite character who’s seen recently popularity with the “Young Justice” animated series, as Artemis is set to make her live action debut next season! Playing Artemis will be someone we’ve already met…

  • Promo Images For Season 4 Episode 19 “Canary Cry”

    Promo Images For Season 4 Episode 19 “Canary Cry”

    The promo images have been released for the return episode of “Arrow” titled “Canary Cry,” where it will no doubt be a very emotional one, as we get to see lots of images from the cemetery site that was teased all the way back in the first episode of this season, as the team says…

  • Official Description For Season 4 Episode 19 “Canary Cry”

    Official Description For Season 4 Episode 19 “Canary Cry”

    The official description has been released for “Canary Cry,” the follow up episode to this week’s big event of Laurel’s death, where everyone will be dealing with the aftermath of it in their own way. You can check out the official description below: [blockquote cite=] OLIVER, LANCE AND TEAM DEAL WITH LAUREL’S DEATH – Oliver (Stephen…

  • Promo Video For Season 4 Episode 19 “Canary Cry”

    Spoilers below and in the video above if you have not seen tonight’s episode. Tonight’s episode lived up to being a very big turning point for the series, as we said goodbye to Laurel Lance. Unfortunately we’re going to have to wait until we see the repercussions of her death for two weeks, as the…