Tag: Emilio Ortega Aldrich
Official Description For Season 4 Episode 06 “Lost Souls”
The official description for the sixth episode of season four titled “Lost Souls” has been released, where we’ll finally see the return of Ray Palmer! Some of the information in the description may be considered spoilers for some, so if you want to be completely surprised on Ray Palmer’s situation, you may want to stay…
Official Description For Season 3 Episode 21 “Ah Sah-Him”
The official description for the twenty first episode of season three titled “Ah Sah-Him” has been released, and reveals who the League of Assassins’ next target is! You can check out the official description below, but it does contain some spoilers. Spoilers Below: [blockquote cite=] THE LEAGUE OF ASSASSINS SETS THEIR SITES ON NYSSA —…