Marc Guggenheim Teases A Different Oliver Queen In Season 6

News on “Arrow” season six has been quiet lately, but that should be changing soon with San Diego Comic Con happening in two weeks, but executive producer Marc Guggenheim did give Entertainment Weekly a little tease about how Oliver will be different this upcoming season, wanting to draw on his years of experience.

Here is what Marc Guggenheim told Entertainment Weekly about the new Oliver we’ll see in season six:
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 “This season, we’re trying to give you a different version of Oliver. Because of the journey he went on in season 5, he finally got to a place where he was ready to follow everyone’s advice and discard the past and move on with his life. The Oliver Queen that you’ll meet in 601, he’s still the Oliver you know and sometimes love, but he has a different sense of himself… In season 6, I think you’ll see Oliver giving the people in his life the advice for a change. He’s been through five years of being this superhero and he went through five years of hell before that, so he’s got 10 years of very heavy experience to start to bring to bear, and that’s something we’re interested in seeing more of a mentoring Oliver as the various people in his life face their challenges.”


Oliver as more of a mentor figure is a characteristic I would love to see more of from him, so I’m more than happy to hear this is something we’ll see in season six.





2 responses to “Marc Guggenheim Teases A Different Oliver Queen In Season 6”

  1. bandana jack Avatar
    bandana jack

    i know it is stephen “abs” amell and all, but i hope he will be bringing his experience to BEAR, not BARE…

    1. Michael Cohen Avatar
      Michael Cohen

      Thanks for catching that. The post has been updated with your correction.

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