Caity Lotz, who plays Sara Lance/Black Canary, recently did an interview with Eric Goldman over at IGN, where she talks about the upcoming episode “Birds of Prey,” Sara’s relationship with other characters on the show, and if she would one day like to see Black Canary get superpowers. Here is a portion of the interview:
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IGN: In the comics, of course, Huntress and Black Canary are teammates, and Birds of Prey is them uniting together. Right now, the Huntress that we’ve seen is pretty unstable, but do you think there’s any hope in the longterm that things could get a little more on the same wavelength for these two?
Caity Lotz: You know, I could see it happening. Who knows, maybe they both could turn out to be bad. [Laughs] You never know. The Huntress is also kind of a redeemable character. We’ll see what this episode will bring for her. In terms of closure, I don’t know, or the evolution of her character… But I do think they’ll work together one day, or maybe it’s just because I want to, because I really like Jessica [De Gouw]. She’s so much fun to work with.
IGN: We’re seeing the universe of Arrow expanding, and obviously Barry Allen’s introduction is one of a couple different elements that’s bringing superpowers into this world. Sara’s got the electronic version of the Canary Cry, but do you think there’s any chance that we might see her actually get that power? Is that something you’d like to see happen?
Caity Lotz:I don’t know if I think it’s necessary. I kind of like how Arrow’s been more grounded in reality with things. It’s just kind of a different style, which I think, you know, the Flash will be there to satisfy that more supernatural, superpower thing. But I always kind of liked that Arrow — I know that we introduced Mirakuru this season — but I like that it’s been more grounded in the reality that we know now. But I wouldn’t mind it. It’d be kind of cool. I’d get to scream on set and things would shatter!
Be sure to check out the full interview with Caity Lotz over at IGN
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