Tag: Lyla Michaels
Promo Images For Season 5 Episode 20 “Underneath”
The promo images for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Underneath” have been released, where we see Oliver and Felicity try to escape from being trapped in the lair, as well as Team Arrow trying to figure out a way to get them out. You can check out some of the images below: …
Official Description For Season 5 Episode 20 “Underneath”
The official description has been released for the twentieth episode of “Arrow” season five titled “Underneath,” where circumstances will cause Oliver and Felicity to spend some time together alone. You can check out the description for “Underneath” below: [blockquote cite=] OLIVER AND FELICITY ARE TRAPPED — Things get intense when Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity…
Promo Images For Season 5 Episode 04 “Penance”
The promo images for this week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Penance” have now been released, where we get some great shots of Oliver and his new team breaking Diggle out of prison. You can check out some of thew new images below. “Penance” airs this Wednesday,…
Promo Video For Season 5 Episode 04 “Penance”
The promo video for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Penance” has been released online, where Oliver plans to break John out of prison, but it doesn’t look like his new team is on board with his plan. You can check out the promo for “Penance” in the video above. “Penance” airs next Wednesday,…
Official Description For Season 5 Episode 04 “Penance”
The official description for the fourth episode of season five titled “Penance” has been released, where Oliver and Lyla go on a secret mission for Diggle, and leaves the new team without their leader. You can check out the official description for “Penance” below: [blockquote cite=] OLIVER STEPS IN FOR DIGGLE — Oliver (Stephen Amell) and…
Preview Clip For Season 4 Episode 23 “Schism”
The CW has just released a clip from tonight’s season finale episode titled “Schism,” where Team Green Arrow realizes that not only the fate of Star City rests in their hands, but the fate of the world! You can check out the new clip in the video above. The season four finale airs later tonight,…
Promo Images For Season 4 Episode 23 “Schism”
The promo images for next week’s season finale episode titled “Schism” have been released, where Team Arrow takes the final fight against Damien Darhk to the streets of Star City! You can check out some of the images from “Schism” below. “Schism” airs next Wednesday, May 25th.
Preview Clip For Season 4 Episode 21 “Monument Point”
Here’s a preview clip from tonight’s new episode titled “Monument Point,” where Team Arrow looks for any possible help to stop Damien Darhk’s impending nuclear strike. You can check out the preview clip in the video above. “Monument Point” airs later tonight, at 8/7c.
Promo Images For Season 4 Episode 21 “Monument Point”
The promo images for the twenty first episode of “Arrow” season four titled “Monument Point” have been released, where a couple of villains from this season show to both help, and cause trouble for Team Arrow. You can check out some of those promo images below. “Monument…
2 Preview Clips For Season 4 Episode 11 “A.W.O.L.”
Two new preview clips from tonight’s new episode of “Arrow” have been released, where we get a preview of some of the scenarios our heroes will be dealing with tonight. The first video, which you can check out above, features Team Green Arrow learning about the new threat Shadowspire with help from Lyla, and the…