Quiver Season 3: Episode 18

Amanda and Mike are back with an all-new episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast to recap the CW Arrow episode, “Public Enemy!” Did Ray just get Arrow’d? Will Nyssa help Team Arrow track down the League of Assassins? Can Oliver escape the clutches of Detective Lance and Starling PD? Olicity vs. Raylicity; Who will win!?! All these questions and more will be answered on this week’s all-new Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast!





One response to “Quiver Season 3: Episode 18”

  1. Pilot1 Avatar

    Hi! I just found this podcast. I probably would have found your podcast sooner if I had followed Arrow in the prior seasons. I have only started watching the last 7 episodes or so. In any case, I like the dynamic between the two of you and I will be listening to some the previous episodes.

    It’s ironic that there will be schedule conflicts with the two of you that the next several episodes will not have both Mike and Amanda together

    Goodbye for now.

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