Quiver Special 15: “Crisis on Infinite Earths” (Part 1, 2, 3) – Podcast Crossover

Back for their annual Arrowverse podcast crossover, Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast, The Flash Podcast, Supergirl Radio, Legends of Tomorrow Podcast, Black Lightning Podcast, and Batwoman Podcast came together LIVE on Wednesday, December 11 for part 1 of their Crisis on Infinite Earths podcast crossover. In the live-show, they cover the first 3 hours of the massive Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, and Batwoman crossover. Participating from the podcasts are Andy Behbakht, Tatiana Hullender, Breeze Riley, Lacy BaugherAmanda Konkin, Rebecca Johnson, Morgan Glennon, Rachel EIley, Mimi Schweid, Britney Monae and Nate Milton as they discussed with live-listeners their thoughts on the first three episodes of the crossover.

Tune in for this epic 2-hour crossover show as they discuss the biggest event to have happened to the Arrowverse as it will change forever after Tuesday, January 14, 2020. Be sure to tune in for live-show with all the 6 podcasts again on Wednesday, December 15, 2020, at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT at Mixlr.com/DCTVPodcasts when they cover the conclusion to Crisis on Infinite Earths!


One response to “Quiver Special 15: “Crisis on Infinite Earths” (Part 1, 2, 3) – Podcast Crossover”

  1. John Drake Avatar
    John Drake

    Re: Kryptonians and Pregnancy/Children
    I think, back when Earth-38 Clark and Lois told Kara about their move to Argo City, it was implied they HAD to go there because Lois was pregnant. This is a Berlanti Production, not a Blumhouse Productions or an offshoot of “The Boys”. Do you really think an Earth women’s womb could hold an infant that could tear a refrigerator to shreds? Canon has shown that Kal-El, barely able to stand, could lift up a tractor. So, I could see Earth-167 Clark having to “give up his power” if he and his Lois wanted children, since there is no Earth-38 style “Argo City” for Lois to go to in order for the couple can have a successful delivery that didn’t kill Lois. Another extended thought: in the REAL world, 45 percent of the 6 million pregnancies in the United States each year are unintended. Would Clark and Lois agree to exposing their unborn child to the effects of Gold Kryptonite as a measure to protect the mother? If Lois was dealing with an emergency, life threatening internal injury, Clark wouldn’t risk losing his powers in order to de-power the fetus and save Lois’ life?

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