Quiver Season 2: Episode 15

Amanda and Mike are back with an all-new episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast to recap the CW Arrow episode, “The Promise!” What is Slade’s angle on Oliver and his family? How did Oliver and Slade go from brothers to enemies in one day? When will Oliver learn that he should just do what Sarah tells him to do!?! All these questions and more will be answered on this week’s Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast!


2 responses to “Quiver Season 2: Episode 15”

  1. Leigh Avatar

    Slade fully intends to torture Oliver just like Ivo. When Oliver tried to explain to Slade that he cared for Shadow too, Slade responded that he did not care, Slade said this twice, meaning that he is going to the dark side friend or not and it is not going to be pretty. I loved the episode it is nice to get a payoff s a fan once in a while. Sade is going to hurt Oliver in the worst ways possible.

  2. Leigh Avatar

    Also if Slade was above board, why did he keep the a Miracuru and lie to Oliver and Sarah?

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