Tag: Deric A. Hughes
Official Description For Season 8 Episode 05 “Prochnost”
We’re almost at the halfway point in the final season of “Arrow,” as the description for the fifth episode of season eight titled “Prochnost” has been released, where Oliver returns to Russia. You can check out the official description for “Prochnost” below: [blockquote cite=] DON’T LET YOUR PAST DEFINE YOU – Upon learning the key…
Official Description For Season 7 Episode 19 “Spartan”
The official description has been released for the nineteenth episode of “Arrow” season seven titled “Spartan,” where Diggle seeks help from a general from his past, played by Ernie Hudson. You can check out the description for “Spartan” below: [blockquote cite=] ERNIE HUDSON (“GHOSTBUSTERS”) GUEST STARS — After the Ninth Circle delivers a major setback…
Promo Images & Official Description For Season 7 Episode 10 “Shattered Lives”
“Arrow” returns with it’s second half of season seven in just a little under two weeks, and now the official images from the tenth episode of season seven titled “Shattered Lives” have been released, which shows the new Green Arrow looking to be a big part of the episode. You can check out some of…
Official Description For Season 7 Episode 04 “Level Two” & Episode 05 “The Demon”
The official description for the fifth episode of “Arrow” season seven titled “The Demon” has been released, where Felicity discovers a new secret about Oliver. But also, it looks like I missed the release of the description for the fourth episode of season seven titled “Level Two,” as that description was released last week, where Oliver…