Tag: Rene Ramirez
Promo Video For Season 7 Episode 15 “Training Day”
The promo video for next week’s episode of “Arrow” titled “Training Day” is now online, where Team Arrow undergoes some new training under the SCPD. You can check out the promo in the video above. “Training Day” airs Next Monday, March 11th.
Official Description & Promo Images For Season 7 Episode 14 “Brothers & Sisters”
The official description and the promo images have been released for the fourteenth episode of “Arrow” season seven titled “Brothers & Sisters,” where Diggle and Lyla put the Ghost Initiative into effect, and Oliver tries to get closer with Emiko. You can check out the description and some of the promo images for “Brothers &…
Promo Video For Season 7 Episode 13 “Star City Slayer”
The promo video for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Star City Slayer” has been released online, where this episode looks to go full on horror. You can check out the promo in the video above. “Star City Slayer” airs next Monday, February 11th.
Promo Images For Season 7 Episode 13 “Star City Slayer”
The promo images for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled ” Star City Slayer” have been released, where we see William return home to Oliver and Felicity, and Team Arrow searches for the new killer in Star City. You can check out some of the images below: …
Promo Video For Season 7 Episode 12 “Emerald Archer”
Here is the promo video for next week’s 150th episode of “Arrow” titled “Emerald Archer,” where we get our first look at a new villain for the season, who’s out to hunt vigilantes. You can check out the promo in the video above. “Emerald Archer” airs next Monday, February 4th.
Quiver S7 Episode 10 – My Name is Emiko Queen
Mike and Amanda are back for an all-new episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast to recap the CW Arrow episode, My Name is Emiko Queen. Will Oliver unearth a dark secret about the new Green Arrow? Is Diggle seriously enlisting the help of Ricardo Diaz? What will Rene do when Emiko shows up on…
Extended Promo Trailer For “My Name Is Emiko Queen”
“Arrow” is finally back next week, and with that comes a new extended promo video for the returning episode, as well as a name change to that episode, which was previously titled “Shattered Lives,” and will now be titled “My Name Is Emiko Queen.” You can check out the new extended promo in the video…
Promo Images & Official Description For Season 7 Episode 10 “Shattered Lives”
“Arrow” returns with it’s second half of season seven in just a little under two weeks, and now the official images from the tenth episode of season seven titled “Shattered Lives” have been released, which shows the new Green Arrow looking to be a big part of the episode. You can check out some of…
Promo Video For Season 7 Episode 08 “Unmasked”
Oliver is out of prison! And in the promo video for next week’s new episode titled “Unmasked,” it looks like he’s wasting no time suiting back up as Green Arrow! You can check out the promo for “Unmasked” in the video above. “Unmasked” is scheduled to air next Monday, December 3rd.
Promo Images For Season 7 Episode 06 “Due Process”
The promo images for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Due Process” have been released today, where we get a bunch of images of Team Arrow all together, with the exception of Oliver of course. You can check out some of the images below: “Due Process”…