Tag: Spectre of the Gun
Preview Clip For Season 5 Episode 13 “Spectre Of The Gun”
The preview clip has been released for tonight’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Spectre of the Gun,” where we see some members of Team Arrow have a serious debate on the use of guns. You can check it out in the video above. “Spectre of the Gun” airs later tonight at 8/7c.
Promo Images For Season 5 Episode 13 “Spectre Of The Gun”
The promo images for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Spectre of the Gun” have been released, where Wild Dog looks to take center stage in this episode, both in and out of costume, and Thea returns to Star City! You can check out some of the images below: …
Promo Video For Season 5 Episode 13 “Spectre Of The Gun”
The promo video for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Spectre of the Gun” has been released, where we see that Oliver is struggling on how to deal with an attack on the Mayor’s office. You can check it out in the video above. “Spectre Of The Gun” airs next Wednesday, February 15th.
Official Description For Season 5 Episode 13 “Spectre Of The Gun”
The official description for the thirteenth episode of “Arrow” season five titled “Spectre of the Gun” has been released, where in this episode we’ll get to learn how Rene ended up becoming a vigilante. You can check out the official description for “Spectre of the Gun” below: [blockquote cite=] WILD DOG’S HISTORY IS REVEALED — A…