Tag: Rene Ramirez
Promo Video For Season 7 Episode 06 “Due Process”
The promo video for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Due Process” has been released online, where Laurel looks to try and set Oliver free. You can check out the promo in the video above. “Due Process” is scheduled to air next Monday, November 19th.
Quiver S7 Episode 4 – Level Two
Mike and Amanda are back for an all-new episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast to recap the CW Arrow episode, Level Two. Is Oliver getting more than he bargained for on Level Two? Can Rene and Dinah work together to stop the latest threat to the Glades? Is Felicity finally going to turn into a…
Promo Images For Season 7 Episode 04 “Level Two”
The promo images for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Level Two” have now been released, where we see Diggle, Dinah, and Curtis visit Rene’s daughter in the hospital, where an unexpected “Legends of Tomorrow” character makes an appearance! You can check out some of the photos from “Level Two” below: …
Official Description For Season 7 Episode 04 “Level Two” & Episode 05 “The Demon”
The official description for the fifth episode of “Arrow” season seven titled “The Demon” has been released, where Felicity discovers a new secret about Oliver. But also, it looks like I missed the release of the description for the fourth episode of season seven titled “Level Two,” as that description was released last week, where Oliver…
Promo Images For Season 7 Episode 03 “Crossing Lines”
The promo images for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “Crossing Lines” have now been released, where Felicity, Rene, and Dinah are all teaming up with FBI agent Samanda Watson to go undercover and take down Diaz and the Longbow Hunters. You can check out some of the images below: …
Quiver S7 Episode 1 – Inmate 4587
Mike and Amanda are back for an all-new episode of Quiver: The Green Arrow Podcast to recap the CW Arrow season premiere, Inmate 4587. Who is the new Green Arrow? Will Oliver adapt to life in prison? Are Felicity and William safe from Diaz? Wait, did they just pull a Lost?!?! All these questions and…
Promo Images For Season 7 Episode 02 “The Longbow Hunters”
The promo images for next week’s new episode of “Arrow” titled “The Longbow Hunters” have now been released, where we see Oliver still having to deal with some of his old enemies while in prison, Dinah and Laurel seemingly on a mission together, as well as Felicity, Rene and Curtis back to working with each…
New Arrow Season 7 Sizzle Reel
We’re now officially just a week away from the start of the seventh season of “Arrow,” and to get everyone even more pumped for the premiere, The CW has just released a brand new sizzle reel that shows off some more new footage from the upcoming season, including our first look at the Longbow Hunters!…
New Arrow Season 7 Trailer
I apologize for being a couple of days late with posting this, but The CW released a new trailer for “Arrow” season seven this week that offers up a lot of great new footage from the upcoming premiere, including new scenes with Oliver in prison, the new imposter Green Arrow, and Ricardo Diaz continuing to…
Preview Clip For Season 6 Episode 23 “Life Sentence”
The preview clip from tonight’s season finale of “Arrow” titled ” Life Sentence” has been released, where we see Team Arrow meet with Samandra Watson to figure out a plan to take down Diaz once and for all. You can check out the clip in the video above. “Life Sentence” airs later tonight at 9/8c.